Mug Pharmacy

Mug pharmacy is a renowned healthcare pharmacy with branches across Ogun State, Nigeria.

Real medical care for all people.

Providing the right pills at the best prices.

A pharmacy for all your needs.


Mug pharmacy is a renowned healthcare pharmacy with branches across Ogun State, Nigeria. We provide a wide range of medicines, medical devices and medications to our customers as well as information on the proper use and disposal of those medications. We are a pharmacy committed to offering the best healthcare services as well as providing health advise to our clients.


Don't miss out on getting quality drugs from our pharmacy

You don't need to see a doctor for every health problem. You can save time, and often get an answer faster, by speaking to one of our pharmacists. They can recommend treatment for a range of minor injuries and illnesses, and will tell you if you need to be seen by a doctor.

We offer healthcare services to and we provide expert advice on how to improve your health.



Healthcare Services

At Mug Pharmacy, we provide a wide range of healthcare services to our customers.

woman with diabetes checking her blood sugar

Blood Sugar Test

Blood sugar test is a test that mainly screens for diabetes by measuring the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood.


Blood Pressure Management

We provide blood pressure services to our customers at affordable prices and many more services.

Contact us

Along Imere Opposite Orisun Microfinance Bank Ago, Iwoye, Ogun State.
Branch at Igan road, Ago, Iwoye, Ogun State.

0704 850 4901
0805 214 0751

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